Lessons Learned: Tailoring Parental Engagement Programs for Diverse Populations

Posted March 6, 2003
By the Center for Applied Research and Technical Assistance, Inc.
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This report shares innovative ideas for partnering with a wide range of parents and families to enhance adolescent sexual health. It spotlights programs in four sites across the country that have served Caribbean, black, Latino and Native American populations as well as urban and rural communities.

Findings & Stats

Statements & Quotations

Key Takeaway

Wanted: Creative ways to connect with adults to improve adolescent reproductive health

It’s true. There is no magic formula for enlisting adult caregivers to ensure that youth make the right decisions about their reproductive and sexual health. But this report is an information-packed alternative. It spotlights real-world struggles, success stories and strategies related to engaging a wide range of parents and families in a wide range of settings.