
Reports, case studies and more from the Casey Foundation and its partners.

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Report asharedsentence preview 2024

Parental Incarceration and Its Impact on Children

June 30, 2024

Explore parental incarceration statistics and what they reveal about the impact on children, families and communities.

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Aecf 2024kidscountdatabook preview 2024

2024 KIDS COUNT Data Book

June 10, 2024

Explore the 2024 KIDS COUNT Data Book, with child well-being state-level data in four areas: economic stability, education, health and family/community support.

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Aecf raceforresults preview 2024

2024 Race for Results

January 10, 2024

Race for Results measures children’s progress on the national and state levels by racial and ethnic groups. Read about child well-being.

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Two young teens (a boy and a girl) play with hoola hoops outside

2023 KIDS COUNT Data Book

June 14, 2023

Read the 2023 KIDS COUNT Data Book reports on child well-being data across four domains — economic well-being, education, health and family and community.

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Title text of the report, which states: "The Changing Child Population of the United States"

The Changing Child Population of the United States

April 3, 2023

The US had 73.1 million kids under 18 in 2020 (-2% since 2010). The number of children of color grew 104% from 1980. See more child population statistics.

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KIDS COUNT Data Book cover shows mom interacting with teenage son at table

2022 KIDS COUNT Data Book

August 2, 2022

The 2022 KIDS COUNT Data Book reports on child well-being to inform policymakers, researchers and advocates. Read the Data Book.

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The 20201 KIDS COUNT Data Book Now Available

2021 KIDS COUNT Data Book

June 21, 2021

The Casey Foundation's 2021 KIDS COUNT Data Book provides information on child well-being to help inform the work of the policymakers, researchers and advocates. Read the report...

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Girl in mask hugs woman with sweater

Kids, Families and COVID-19

December 14, 2020

This KIDS COUNT policy report uses U.S. Census Bureau surveys to examine how households with children are faring during the pandemic. Learn what these data reveal about the...

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Aecf 2020kidscountdatabook preview 2020

2020 KIDS COUNT Data Book

June 22, 2020

The Casey Foundation's 2020 KIDS COUNT® Data Book provides information on child well-being to help inform the work of the policymakers, researchers and advocates. Read the...

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