Odds Against Them
Young people who exit foster care without a family are less likely to be employed and are more likely to drop out of school and become parents at an early age.
This issue brief arrives 13 years after the launch of Opportunity Passport™, a targeted intervention seeking to build financial capability in youth transitioning out of foster care. Readers will learn about the initiative’s latest participant survey results, strategies for expanding the Opportunity Passport™ framework, and how policy makers can help strengthen financial literacy and experiences among foster care youth.
Opportunity Passport™ is a product of the Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative.
While in foster care, many teens miss out on opportunities to spend and save their own money. Yet, as young adults, they are thrust into the complex world of finances and left to go at it alone. Enter Opportunity Passport™, a targeted intervention by the Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative that aims to give adolescents and young adults real world experience building assets and filling in the financial blanks.