Casey Connects: Fall 2001

Foundation Mobilized Resources in Response to Terrorism

Posted September 24, 2001
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
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This issue of Casey Connects reflects on the Foundation’s events before and after 9/11 — from an adoption celebration in Washington, D.C., to pledging $3 million in aid for families affected by terrorism. Smaller stories highlight a FAMILIES COUNT gathering and the retirement of Casey financial officer Rama Ramanathan.

Findings & Stats

Statements & Quotations

Key Takeaway

Meeting sheds light on what’s keeping poor families down

A FAMILIES COUNT meeting revealed predatory lending practices by unsavory financial institutions, which sink low-income individuals deeper into debt on the pretext of helping them get loans and make large purchases. The discussion shed light on how to combat these practices and sparked debate about how the Foundation can help grantees become more competent on issues of family economic success.