Changing the Odds (2015)

The Race for Results in Atlanta

Posted June 24, 2015
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
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Casey has invested in several southwest Atlanta communities for more than 10 years. This report explores how race and community of residence continue to create barriers that keep the city's kids, particularly those of color, from reaching their full potential. The report highlights three key areas that support or thwart children’s healthy development: (1) the community where they grow up; (2) school experiences; and (3) family access to economic opportunities. Policy recommendations are included. 

Findings & Stats

Statements & Quotations

Key Takeaway

Working to increase opportunity for all in Atlanta, but it’s an uphill battle

For more than a decade, Casey has partnered to increase educational and economic opportunities for kids and families in several low-income Atlanta neighborhoods. The goal? Working to ensure all kids, regardless of race, place or ethnicity have the chance to reach their full potential. Yet race remains a major predictor of a child’s trajectory in life — a reality reinforced by nearly every measure of child and family well-being highlighted in this report.