An Adoptive Family for Andrea: Using the Lifelong Families Model

Posted February 12, 2013
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Blog anadoptivefamilyforandrea 2013

How can front­line work­ers in child wel­fare help con­nect old­er chil­dren to adop­tive fam­i­lies? The Casey Foun­da­tion has demon­strat­ed a promis­ing approach.

This video pro­vides an inside look at the cen­tral com­po­nent of the Life­long Fam­i­lies Mod­el — Per­ma­nen­cy Team­ing — while high­light­ing how the team dis­cus­sion address­es oth­er core com­po­nents of the model.

By watch­ing clips from a live large team meet­ing, view­ers learn how the team address­es Andrea’s need to remain con­nect­ed to her birth fam­i­ly while prepar­ing her and her new par­ents for adoption.

The video also con­tains excerpts from an indi­vid­ual meet­ing between Andrea and her pri­vate-agency social work­er pri­or to the large team meet­ing, as well as inter­views with her birth moth­er, birth sis­ter, state social work­er and oth­er mem­bers of her Per­ma­nen­cy Team.

Want to use this video in your work? Review our copy­right, cita­tion and usage pol­i­cy.

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