Communities Mark Summer Learning Day to Promote Reading

Posted June 25, 2013
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Blog communitiesmarksummerlearningday 2013

Florida’s Palm Beach Coun­ty and the City of Del­ray Beach were among many com­mu­ni­ties in the Cam­paign for Grade-Lev­el Read­ing (GLR) that on (or around) June 21, 2013 marked Sum­mer Learn­ing Day, which was cre­at­ed by the Nation­al Sum­mer Learn­ing Asso­ci­a­tion, a GLR cam­paign part­ner. The nation­al advo­ca­cy day spread the word about how pre­vent­ing learn­ing loss dur­ing the sum­mer is part of the work involved in clos­ing the achieve­ment gap and sup­port­ing children’s health development.

To mark the day in Palm Beach Coun­ty and Del­ray Beach, almost 4,000 donat­ed books were dis­trib­uted to area schools and libraries, thanks to a part­ner­ship between the coun­ty, city, school dis­trict and munic­i­pal lead­ers. The school dis­trict cre­at­ed a sug­gest­ed sum­mer read­ing list for Pre‑K through 5th-graders. The county’s Children’s Ser­vices Coun­cil bought two copies of each list­ed book for each of their 10 sites, as well as for the city. The books hit the shelves on Sum­mer Learn­ing Day!

More than 1,300 miles north, in Syra­cuse, N.Y., Sum­mer Learn­ing Day was marked by a press event held at the Ononda­ga Coun­ty Pub­lic Library fea­tur­ing guests includ­ing U.S. Con­gress­man Dan Maf­fei and Clif­ford the Big Red Dog. New York State Sen­a­tor John DeFran­cis­co also taped a sum­mer read­ing pub­lic ser­vice announcement.

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