Video: Practice 10 Conversations That Will Move You Toward Results

Posted October 4, 2016
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Blog practice10conversations 2016

Sup­pose your com­mu­ni­ty has launched a sig­nif­i­cant ini­tia­tive for chil­dren with much fan­fare ─ but now, a few months lat­er, progress has stalled. Or a key fund­ing source for your work dis­ap­pears. Or the ini­tia­tive is mov­ing so swift­ly that you want to start the next stage ear­li­er than planned. In each case, you need to have an impor­tant con­ver­sa­tion with your part­ners. But where do you begin?

Hav­ing the right con­ver­sa­tions is key for lead­ers to achieve results, and to the Casey Foundation’s lead­er­ship devel­op­ment approach. With­out hav­ing the right lan­guage and the right con­text to talk hon­est­ly with each oth­er at crit­i­cal points, you may have trou­ble mov­ing ahead in high action and high align­ment. A new video describes ten con­ver­sa­tions that results-based lead­ers can use to get or stay on track.

To get in high action, high align­ment and stay there requires hav­ing the right kinds of con­ver­sa­tions with the peo­ple who are col­lab­o­rat­ing with you towards a result,” says Raj Chawla, a Foun­da­tion lead­er­ship devel­op­ment fac­ul­ty mem­ber. Those con­ver­sa­tions fall into sev­er­al categories:

Mov­ing out of low action, low align­ment. These con­ver­sa­tions help you reflect with part­ners when the part­ner­ship seems out of sync and not much is being accom­plished. The con­ver­sa­tions focus on the per­son­al pow­er each part­ner has to change the sit­u­a­tion for the bet­ter. You could begin this kind of con­ver­sa­tion with a ques­tion such as: If you could move for­ward on your own, what would you do ─ and what pre­vents you from doing that?”

Achiev­ing high­er align­ment. This kind of con­ver­sa­tion helps improve a good work­ing rela­tion­ship and accel­er­ate results. One way to approach this is by invit­ing your part­ners to more con­crete­ly define what you are joint­ly work­ing toward and how each of you envi­sions get­ting there. What does suc­cess look like for each of us? What are our con­di­tions of sat­is­fac­tion for work­ing together?”

Achiev­ing high­er action. Maybe you and your part­ners are in per­fect agree­ment about how to pro­ceed ─ but not enough is actu­al­ly get­ting done. In this case, you may need to start a tough con­ver­sa­tion about capac­i­ty and resources to do the work. A con­ver­sa­tion that begins: What are you will­ing to say yes to? What do you say no to?” can make the lim­its and the pos­si­bil­i­ties clearer.

Main­tain­ing high action, high align­ment. You’re work­ing in sync and you’re get­ting things done ─ but you want to make sure you main­tain this high lev­el until your cho­sen results are achieved. Reg­u­lar­ly ask­ing ques­tions like what just hap­pened, and what did we learn?” can pro­mote an envi­ron­ment of con­tin­u­ous improvement.

Watch the video to learn about all ten conversations

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