A Strategic Fundraising Guide for Youth-Serving Coalitions

A new publication gives community coalitions a road map to navigate the complexities of finding money for youth-serving programs. Taking the Guesswork Out of Funding Youth Programs: The Evidence2Success Approach is the second action guide in the Guiding Collective Change series. The guide builds on the shared multiyear experiences of six communities that used the strategic financing process to fund their priorities for youth programming. Its authors include several illuminating case studies and lessons from these communities as well as step-by-step advice to help community coalitions develop a long-term funding strategy.
The Edna Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center at Penn State University developed the action guide series with funding from the Annie E. Casey Foundation. The latest guide includes a short preview that can be downloaded with the full guide.
“The goal is to have local groups work in concert with system leaders to improve how public and private funds are used and distributed across a community, to best serve the young people in their neighborhoods,” said Amir François, a senior research associate at Casey who worked with Penn State researchers to produce the guide.
Taking the Guesswork Out of Funding Youth Programs details five key steps for better funding of youth programming and the infrastructure needed to implement and sustain youth programs:
- Set financing goals.
- Identify the financial resources needed to implement.
- Analyze existing public resources.
- Select financing strategies.
- Develop a work plan.
The guide also distills lessons from Evidence2Success® coalitions into four crucial pieces of advice for other coalitions undertaking this work:
- Cultivate trust among partners and focus on building relationships. Being transparent about motives, goals, the process and the hard work needed was an important step in building trusting relationships.
- Identify the right leaders and participants to take part in planning. Vision and attention to detail were key attributes.
- An outside financing expert can play an important role. All six of the Evidence2Success communities worked closely with a finance coach.
- Adapt the strategic steps to meet local conditions. Be flexible and responsive to such things as personnel changes or new funding opportunities.
“Organizations working together — in the same direction — will create the synergy and momentum needed to implement and improve programs that provide what young people need,” said François.
The Guiding Collective Change series is based on the experiences of communities implementing Evidence2Success, a Casey Foundation framework that gives cities and counties a road map for involving communities in making smart investments in evidence-based programs. The first action guide, How Youth Surveys Guide Collective Community Investment and Planning: Benefits of Using Youth Data, explores using youth surveys to inform program development. Three more action guides will be released in the next year.