Building the Evidence Base to Support Promising Programs
Posted November 19, 2013
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation

Casey invests in increasing the supply and use of evidence-based programs within the child welfare, juvenile justice, mental health, health and education systems. Recent investments have supported the following programs:
- FosterEd improves the educational outcomes of students in foster care by engaging educational champions to support students’ academic success, and is currently testing whether those efforts can be sustained and replicated within public school systems.
- Originally developed to treat young people with significant behavioral and conduct problems, the developers of Functional Family Therapy are now adapting the program to determine whether it has a positive impact on the emotional well-being, positive relationships and prosocial behavior of teens in the child welfare system.
- Jobs for the Future aims to double the number of low-income youth and adults who complete post-secondary education by 2020. Three sites are currently preparing for an evaluation of their Back on Track model, which puts youth who have dropped out of school on a path to postsecondary education.