Casebook: A 21st-Century Tool for Family-Centered Practice

Case Commons, a Casey Foundation grantee, has developed a transformative child welfare case management technology system. We’re excited to let them tell you about this opportunity firsthand through a new video. Featuring the voices of Case Commons and its partners – including several of us here at Foundation, as well as the State of Indiana – this video explains the critical role that technology can play in transforming the way vulnerable children and families are served.
We’re sharing this story with you at an exciting time. Indiana’s MaGIK case management system – featuring Casebook as a core element – has received one of the first federal waivers of funding regulations on proprietary human services software. The waiver is based on an innovative program instruction from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that provides a vital, expanded pathway for states to adopt modern, cloud-based, and commercial off-the-shelf solutions to support child welfare agencies. This is a momentous announcement, and affirms what we believe is the hope for a bright technology future in child welfare.
This is a conversation that involves all of us. That’s why we invite you to post comments or questions in response to the video, and to share it widely with colleagues and friends! We hope the video will spark a conversation in your office and around the country about how to take full advantage of technology to improve the lives of children and families.
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