Casey President Lisa Hamilton Promotes Equity in Grant Making in New Interview

From left: Casey Foundation President & CEO Lisa Hamilton and PEAK Grantmaking President & CEO Satonya Fair
In a recent interview with PEAK Grantmaking, Lisa Hamilton, president and CEO of the Annie E. Casey Foundation, sought to encourage grant-making professionals and organizations to commit to racial equity and inclusion as guiding principles in their work. During the conversation with PEAK President & CEO Satonya Fair, Hamilton discussed the Casey Foundation’s long-standing efforts to embed a focus on equity and inclusion into its work and operations — sharing insight into the challenges the organization faced along the way.
Hamilton, who assumed the role of president and CEO in 2019, talked about the need for Casey to not only develop and demonstrate strategies that advance equity but also to help facilitate growth in this area for other organizations and funders. When grant-making decisions are informed by a commitment to equity, Hamilton says, the communities that need help the most benefit from targeted strategies that address their specific challenges.