FosterClub Offers Youth Perspective on March CaseyChat

Posted March 29, 2017
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Blog fostercluboffersyouthperspective 2017

Celeste Bod­ner is both a fos­ter par­ent and the founder and exec­u­tive direc­tor at Fos­ter­Club, a nation­al net­work for young peo­ple in fos­ter care. On March 14, 2017, Casey and Bod­ner teamed up for an hour-long Twit­ter chat about fos­ter par­ent­ing and the dif­fer­ence a good fos­ter par­ent can make in a child’s life.

If you missed the chat, you can still catch up on the con­ver­sa­tion. To do so:

  • Search #Cas­ey­Chat on Twit­ter; or
  • See below to read the ques­tions and some of the great responses. 

Thanks, again, to Bod­ner, Fos­ter­Club, and every­one who shared their ideas and insights on fos­ter par­ent­ing dur­ing the ses­sion. To catch Casey’s next Twit­ter chat, be sure to fol­low the Foun­da­tion at @AECFNews.

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