Members of 2014-2015 Applied Leadership Network Cohort Announced

Posted June 2, 2014
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Blog Members20142015 ALN Announced 2014

The Juve­nile Deten­tion Alter­na­tives Initiative’s Applied Lead­er­ship Net­work (ALN) recent­ly announced the mem­bers of the 20142015 cohort. This is the network’s fourth cohort and is made up of six teams rep­re­sent­ing sites in Louisiana, Maine, New Mex­i­co, New York, Penn­syl­va­nia and South Dakota.

The ALN was estab­lished as a vehi­cle to enhance the knowl­edge, skills and lead­er­ship capa­bil­i­ties of key indi­vid­u­als work­ing in JDAI sites. The 20142015 cohort mem­bers include: (seat­ed) Eri­ca Atwood (Pa.), Rosie Garibal­di (N.M.), Eri­ca King (Maine), Timene Far­low (Pa.), (stand­ing) Richard Rylance (S.D.), John John­son (N.Y.), Nick Costales (N.M.), Tami­ra McMeekin (S.D.), Galan Williamson (Maine), Antho­ny Celes­tine (La.), James Czar­ni­ak (N.Y.) and Joshua Camp­bell (La.).

With the addi­tion of the fourth JDAI Applied Lead­er­ship Net­work class, the Alum­ni Network’s mem­ber­ship will expand to 53 lead­ers by the spring of 2015.

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