Trauma and Adolescent Development With Shantel Assata

Posted September 10, 2023
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation

This ses­sion, one of a six-part webi­nar series, explores how trau­ma impacts ado­les­cent devel­op­ment and intro­duces tac­tics to improve ser­vices and pro­grams aimed at youth with trau­ma experiences.

Post­ed: Sept. 192023
Run time: 1 hour

Fea­tured Ado­les­cent Devel­op­ment Experts

Shantel Assa­ta

Shantel Assa­ta, LCPC, is a Wash­ing­ton, D.C.-based behav­ioral health clin­i­cian with diverse coun­sel­ing and case man­age­ment experience.

Alexan­dra Lohrbach

Alexan­dra Lohrbach is a senior asso­ciate with the Casey Foun­da­tion as well as a trained social work­er and for­mer child wel­fare case manager.

Resources Ref­er­enced

See all webi­na­rs in the Youth Men­tal Health series

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