The Typical Maltreatment Victim Is Young. Very Young.

Posted September 13, 2018
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Update childmaltreatment 2018

Child pro­tec­tive ser­vices con­firmed that near­ly 668,000 chil­dren — 9 in every 1,000 kids — were vic­tims of mal­treat­ment in 2016.

Just over 40% of these chil­dren were between birth and age 4 and 74% were younger than age 11.

Mal­treat­ment is a term that encom­pass­es var­i­ous offens­es — the most com­mon being neglect — that can sti­fle healthy devel­op­ment and result in long-term con­se­quences for chil­dren. Phys­i­cal abuse, emo­tion­al abuse, med­ical neglect and sex­u­al abuse are also types of maltreatment.

At the state lev­el, rates of con­firmed child mal­treat­ment vary wide­ly. Chil­dren in Mass­a­chu­setts (23 in every 1,000 kids) and Ken­tucky (20 in every 1,000 kids) are most like­ly to expe­ri­ence mal­treat­ment. At the oth­er end of the spec­trum sits Penn­syl­va­nia, where two in every 1,000 kids are con­firmed as vic­tims of maltreatment.

Data on Child Maltreatment

Explore more child wel­fare data — at the nation­al and state lev­el — in the KIDS COUNT Data Center.

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