Under Armour and CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield Join Funders to Support Summer Programs for Baltimore Youth

Now in its third year, the Baltimore Summer Funding Collaborative has welcomed two new grant makers to the table. Under Armour and CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield (CareFirst) are joining nine of Baltimore’s largest charitable and nonprofit organizations to support high-quality summer programs for the city’s children and youth in low-income families.
The collaborative — which also includes the Abell Foundation, The Annie E. Casey Foundation, Clayton Baker Trust, Family League of Baltimore, France-Merrick Foundation, The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, Joseph & Harvey Meyerhoff Family Charitable Funds, Lockhart Vaughan Foundation and The Morton K. and Jane Blaustein Foundation — will provide more than $2 million in support.
Last year, 94 Baltimore programs received grants and more than 12,000 young people were served. The group hopes to increase these numbers and expand opportunities for young people across the city. To be considered, programs must promote academic, social and emotional growth in children and youth and be inclusive of students of all abilities.
Many youth and young adults in Baltimore lack access to activities — academic, recreational, enrichment or work experience — that keep their minds engaged over the summer. As a result, they experience “summer slide,” losing one to three months of knowledge and skills gained during the previous school year.
Despite their individual missions and priorities — which include literacy, health and wellness, science, technology, engineering and math, youth employment, college and career readiness, environmental education, sports and the arts — all 11 members of the collaborative share the same goal: To reduce summer learning loss and ensure more youth have the chance to reach their full potential during the summer and beyond.
The funders will use a common application during the selection process. Three community forums will be held, providing potential applicants with an opportunity to raise questions and hear directly from collaborative members.
- Friday, Jan. 27
9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Parks & People Foundation, Stone House Building
2100 Liberty Heights Avenue
- Tuesday, Jan. 31
5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Family League of Baltimore
2305 N. Charles Street, Suite 200
- Thursday, Feb. 2
1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Enoch Pratt Library, Orleans Street Branch
1303 Orleans Street
Applicants should meet the following general eligibility requirements:
- provide a Certificate of Good Standing with the state of Maryland;
- be an organization or summer program that has operated for at least two years;
- provide proof of 501(c)(3) or 509(a) tax status;
- primarily serve children and youth from low-income families who live in Baltimore City; and
- have a plan to serve healthy meals if operating more than four hours per day.
The deadline for applications is 5 p.m. Friday, February 17, 2017. To learn more about each organization’s eligibility criteria, and to access the application, visit www.aecf.org/summergrants.