Year-End Giving Tips for Year-Round Impact

How can I do the most good with the money I have?
That’s a question most of us — including the board and staff at the Casey Foundation — ask ourselves when we consider the many worthy causes seeking our philanthropic investment dollars. Answering that question is especially important this time of year when many individuals make their annual charitable contributions, often without the benefit of large research teams, 60-plus years of experience and institutional memory or access to third-party evaluation data.
So, this year we’re proud to partner with the Center for High Impact Philanthropy (CHIP) and Fidelity Charitable to help donors find the answer to that question. Specifically, the Casey Foundation supported CHIP’s 2015 High Impact Year-End Giving Guide, which provides tips on identifying good opportunities, offers free resources for conducting due diligence on those opportunities, presents six of this year’s most promising global opportunities and includes other special features.
As the associate director of philanthropy, I help our staff collaborate with other donors — individual and organizational — to achieve greater impact for children and families. We gain a lot from those partnerships, but we offer a lot, too. Most important, I think, is our focus on results using data to drive decisions, highlighting evidence-based programs and measuring what matters.
By supporting a tool like CHIP’s High Impact Year-End Giving Guide, we can expand the reach of our philanthropic engagement — and the benefits we offer — to a whole new audience.
Here’s to better giving in 2015 and greater impact in 2016 and beyond. Happy season of giving!