Where does DV happen?
95% of all spousal assaults are committed by men against women. Domestic violence can aslo occur in gay and lesbian relationships.
Team Decisionmaking (TDM), a core strategy of the Annie E. Casey Foundation's Family to Family initiative, is a type of family meeting used by child welfare agencies to make critical, placement-related decisions in an inclusive and strengths-based way. Families experiencing domestic violence can present special challenges to TDM facilitators. This guide provides some suggested "in the moment" strategies, skills and background information for facilitators of Team Decisionmaking meetings.
Since January 2020, the National Council on Crime and Deliquency has managed TDM, and is working to expand the practice’s reach, impact and evidence base.
Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women between the ages of 15 and 44 in the United States -- more than car accidents, muggings and rapes combined.