Evidence2Success Surveys Track Child Development

Children do best in nurturing families, schools and communities. But determining how children are faring is not easy. That’s why Casey developed the Evidence2Success Childhood and Youth Experience Surveys. The surveys capture information on whether kids are meeting developmental milestones and where they are likely to face challenges in the future. Analyzing survey results enables city and state agencies to recognize problems and target their investments to solve problems and prevent others before they occur.
What can you learn from the survey results?
Evidence2Success surveys are used by communities looking to understand how local children are doing. Survey results are presented in easy-to-read reports that help public systems, schools, and communities develop a common understanding of child and youth outcomes and risk and protective factors that influence child well-being. They also provide information on the proportion of children who experience or are at risk of poor outcomes.
How are survey results used?
Survey results are primarily used to identify evidence-based programs targeted to improve specific outcomes.
Agencies also can use the surveys to:
- Prevent gaps or doubling up of programs and services
- Make budget decisions and seek support for additional funding
- Direct investments toward proven prevention and early intervention programs to avoid problems before they occur
Who takes the survey?
Sample surveys are available for:
- Youth in grades 6–12 (Youth Experience Survey for Middle School or Youth Experience Survey for High School).
- Parents of children ages birth to 8 years (Childhood Experience Survey)
Find more information on the survey in the item construct dictionary.
How often is the survey administered?
By administering the survey every two years, city and state agencies can benchmark and track trends in child well-being.
Who has access to the survey results?
City and state agencies and local communities have access to their aggregated or combined data. Profiles combine data by school, neighborhood or city. Individual responses are not shared; survey administrators take steps to protect children’s identities.
For more information about the Childhood and Youth Experience Surveys, contact the Evidence2Success team.