Leadership Development Program Announces First Class of Child Health Advocates

The Annie E. Casey Foundation, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation and The Atlantic Philanthropies are pleased to announce the first class selected to participate in the Children’s Health Leadership Network, a rigorous results-based leadership development initiative. The 16 participants, drawn from 14 states, reflect a rich cross section of innovative public health administrators, policy analysts, program directors and nonprofit child advocates. The network aims to both strengthen and expand the field of leaders from across the country who are effectively advocating for improved outcomes for children’s health and well-being in their communities.
“This program is about equipping leaders with the necessary confidence, skills and relationships to take their work in health policy to the next level and become catalysts for real and sustained progress for children and families,” says Barbara Squires, director of Leadership Development at Casey. “We are excited about this first class of professionals who have already demonstrated their commitment to reducing health inequities and improving the lives of vulnerable children and families, and who now want to do more to empower their communities.”
The establishment of the Children’s Health Leadership Network builds on the Casey Foundation’s core conviction, developed and reinforced over the past 20 years, that professionals trained in results-based leadership are far more likely to have a lasting and measurable impact on the lives and prospects of today’s children and their families.
With funding from the three foundations over the course of several years, this program will develop a pool of nearly 100 health advocates in leadership positions who are driving change and forging new partnerships within their communities. The foundations sought applicants with significant experience in children’s health and/or advocacy; a strong commitment to improve child health outcomes and advance social change; and an aptitude to integrate policy and politics in a sophisticated way.
Beginning in January 2016, the program will engage participants in a series of nine in-depth seminars over a period of 16 months, building skills in the areas of child health policy, child advocacy, results-based leadership and effective strategies to improve outcomes in measurable ways. These intensive learning sessions will be supplemented by individualized coaching and tailored learning plans. Work assignments between formal sessions will help participants apply their new skills in their home organizations and systems, and each one will develop and execute a child health policy agenda with defined targets.
Those who complete the training will join a dynamic advocacy alumni network which offers members regular opportunities to share lessons and results, collaborate with peers and serve as network ambassadors to strengthen national child health advocacy efforts.
“The Children’s Health Leadership Network adds real value to our Foundation’s ongoing efforts to make sure children get a strong start in life,” says Dr. Liane Wong, a program officer in the Children, Families and Communities Program at the David and Lucile Packard Foundation. “We are pleased to be partners in this exciting new results-based initiative to build a robust network of skilled, innovative and collaborative health professionals who are focused on realizing our shared goals.”
Participants in the network will be uniquely positioned to shape policy decisions and implement effective strategies for lasting change, having gained the confidence and skills to leverage data, execute best practices and communicate a coherent message of progress made.
See the list of members of the first class of the Children’s Health Leadership Network