Letters of Interest Sought for Low-Cost Randomized Control Trials

The Annie E. Casey Foundation is joining the Laura and John Arnold Foundation in support of its expanded investment in identification and support of low-cost randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to build evidence of programs that improve the lives of children and families.
The Foundation has been a partner with the Arnold Foundation since 2013, funding several rounds of a low-cost RCT competition. For 2016, the Arnold Foundation has significantly increased its investment for low-cost RCTs, and has released a new Request for Proposals.
The Casey Foundation’s Evidence-Based Practice Group promotes child well-being by investing in the development and use of rigorously evaluated programs that help kids reach critical milestones on the path to adulthood. Well-conducted RCTs produce highly credible evidence about the effectiveness of programs, practices and other interventions — yet, traditionally, RCTs can be quite expensive. But the cost of these trials can be reduced through strategic use of existing, reliable data, as winners of the low-cost RCT competition have demonstrated.
Effective low-cost RCTs contribute to key Casey Foundation priorities, including promotion of evidence-based practices and the use of cost-effective, sustainable data resources, such as integrated data systems, to support research and evaluation.
Letters of interest for the latest round of the competition are due to the Arnold Foundation by March 1, 2016.