Transforming Juvenile Probation 2024 Certificate Program

Apply by Feb. 28

Posted January 5, 2024
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Participants in the 2022 Transforming Juvenile Probation certificate program at Georgetown

Participants in the 2022 Transforming Juvenile Probation certificate program at Georgetown

George­town University’s Cen­ter for Juve­nile Jus­tice Reform (CJJR) is now accept­ing appli­ca­tions for the Trans­form­ing Juve­nile Pro­ba­tion Cer­tifi­cate Pro­gram. The week­long cer­tifi­cate pro­gram, offered with sup­port from the Annie E. Casey Foun­da­tion, aids state and local juris­dic­tions in adopt­ing a safer, youth-cen­tered approach to juve­nile probation.

Apply by Feb. 28

What Is the Trans­form­ing Juve­nile Pro­ba­tion Cer­tifi­cate Program?

The cur­ricu­lum is root­ed in the prin­ci­ples and prac­tices described in Casey’s Trans­form­ing Juve­nile Pro­ba­tion and Trans­form­ing Juve­nile Jus­tice Sys­tems to Improve Pub­lic Safe­ty and Youth Out­comes from the CJJR and Coun­cil of State Gov­ern­ments Jus­tice Center.

This is an oppor­tu­ni­ty for juris­dic­tions to ful­ly shift the role of pro­ba­tion away from sur­veil­lance and com­pli­ance and toward pro­mot­ing per­son­al growth, pos­i­tive behav­ior change and long-term suc­cess for youth,” says Steve Bish­op, asso­ciate direc­tor of pro­ba­tion and sys­tem trans­for­ma­tion in the Foundation’s Juve­nile Jus­tice Strat­e­gy Group.

Pro­gram Expectations

The 2024 Trans­form­ing Juve­nile Pro­ba­tion Cer­tifi­cate Pro­gram will run from June 1014 in Wash­ing­ton, D.C. Prac­ti­tion­ers, researchers and pol­i­cy­mak­ers will present on an array of top­ics, such as: 

  • incor­po­rat­ing prac­tices for fair­ness and equity;
  • youth, fam­i­ly and com­mu­ni­ty part­ner­ship and empowerment;
  • diver­sion as an off-ramp from the for­mal jus­tice system;
  • deci­sion mak­ing about the length and inten­si­ty of pro­ba­tion terms;
  • roles of pro­ba­tion offi­cers; and
  • lead­ing trans­for­ma­tion­al change.

The pro­gram can accom­mo­date up to five teams. Each team will devel­op and imple­ment a cap­stone project to trans­form their jurisdiction’s work. All teams will receive tech­ni­cal assis­tance on a vari­ety of fronts, including:

  • devel­op­ing and imple­ment­ing new poli­cies and practices;
  • train­ing staff and stake­hold­ers to pro­mote buy-in and col­lab­o­ra­tion; and
  • assess­ing, eval­u­at­ing and sus­tain­ing progress.

Upon approval of a team’s cap­stone project, its mem­bers will earn an exec­u­tive cer­tifi­cate from George­town Uni­ver­si­ty and join CJJR’s net­work of more than 1,900 fel­lows. The uni­ver­si­ty will also pro­vide teams with exten­sive tech­ni­cal assis­tance to sup­port plan­ning and imple­men­ta­tion at home.

Who Should Apply?

Each team may have up to 10 mem­bers and must include:

  • A core pro­ba­tion team con­sist­ing of:
    • a chief pro­ba­tion officer;
    • a field pro­ba­tion supervisor/​deputy; and
    • a line staff member.
  • a judge (the pre­sid­ing juve­nile or fam­i­ly court judge or their designee);
  • a pros­e­cu­tor (e.g., dis­trict attor­ney, coun­ty attorney);
  • a youth or fam­i­ly rep­re­sen­ta­tive who has per­son­al expe­ri­ence with the youth jus­tice system;
  • a leader of a com­mu­ni­ty-based orga­ni­za­tion com­mit­ted to pos­i­tive youth devel­op­ment and cross-sys­tem col­lab­o­ra­tion on behalf of young peo­ple with jus­tice-sys­tem involve­ment; and
  • a defense attor­ney (e.g., pub­lic defend­er or youth defender).

See the appli­ca­tion for more on who should apply

What Do Past Par­tic­i­pants Say?

Rosie Med­i­na, a chief pro­ba­tion offi­cer who led a team from El Paso Coun­ty, Texas, not­ed the unequiv­o­cal val­ue” of par­tic­i­pat­ing in the 2022 cer­tifi­cate pro­gram. Med­i­na cit­ed the tech­ni­cal assis­tance and train­ing as crit­i­cal to the imple­men­ta­tion of strate­gies that will be sus­tain­able and will yield improved pos­i­tive out­comes for youth involved in our sys­tem as we look into the future.”

Hen­ry Gon­za­les, Medina’s coun­ter­part in Har­ris Coun­ty, Texas, appre­ci­at­ed the oppor­tu­ni­ty to learn from the expe­ri­ences and insights of oth­ers in the field. Active engage­ment in the pro­gram cre­ates space for con­ver­sa­tion that pro­motes curios­i­ty about doing things dif­fer­ent­ly,” he said.

How Do Teams Apply?

Watch a Short Video on Casey’s Vision for Pro­ba­tion Transformation

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