Workforce Equity Fund Now Accepting 2022 Proposals

The Fund for Workforce Equity — a partnership between the Annie E. Casey Foundation and 14 other funders — is accepting proposals for workforce development efforts through July 31, 2022.
About the Fund for Workforce Equity
Launched by Workforce Matters in 2021, the Fund for Workforce Equity is a pooled fund created to spark innovative strategies for meeting the needs of workers and students of color, document lessons and elevate promising practices for funders, practitioners, advocates and researchers.
The Fund will provide awardees with funding, technical assistance and the ability to participate in a learning community to workforce development organizations seeking to pilot, adopt and learn from new strategies as well as advance or extend existing strategies that:
- respect, value, honor and compensate workers, students and job candidates at all career and education levels for the skills and perspectives that they bring to designing and implementing workforce programs and policies; and
- create spaces for people of color to develop workforce programs, policies and evidence-building.
In addition, the Fund for Workforce Equity will help organizations implement and develop:
- a learning community for grantees;
- technical assistance that provides grantees access to expertise and resources on human-centered design and other best practices for including the voices of workers and students; and
- evaluation and learning efforts that share lessons from the initiative with grantees and the broader workforce field while supporting funders in determining best practices among their grantees.
The Fund builds on recommendations from the Racial Equity Framework for Workforce Development Funders released in 2021, which identified how funders can ensure the field better serves workers and students of color with a variety of backgrounds and experiences, including engaging them in the development of strategies and solutions that meet their needs.
Application Information and Resources
For full details and to apply, please review the Fund’s request for proposals. Completed applications must be submitted by July 31, 2022. Incomplete submissions will not be considered.