State and Federal Policy Reform

Policy analysis, partnerships and advocacy efforts to strengthen decision makers’ capacity to help kids and families through smart policies and system reforms.

Pro­grams alone won’t improve the out­comes for the mil­lions of chil­dren who live in pover­ty, lack health insur­ance, are unable to read pro­fi­cient­ly, have suf­fered abuse or neglect or are involved in the juve­nile jus­tice sys­tem. To change the future for an entire gen­er­a­tion of chil­dren, we must change state and fed­er­al poli­cies to bet­ter meet their and their fam­i­lies’ needs. 

While we do not lob­by, we do share our expe­ri­ence in help­ing kids, fam­i­lies and com­mu­ni­ties with pol­i­cy­mak­ers and invest in objec­tive research to help advance poli­cies that can make a difference. 

We bring a non­par­ti­san approach, exper­tise from work­ing on the front­lines and data-informed solutions.

From the Blog

A Black teenage boy speaks with a just-out-of-frame mental health professional during a psychotherapy session.

Webinar: Medicaid Opportunities to Support Youth Leaving Incarceration

An Oct. 10 webinar will explain how new federal Medicaid legislation can support young people returning from incarceration. Register for the session.

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Supporting Policy Reform and Advocacy

Ourwork initiatives policyreform eitc

Lifting Millions out of Poverty through EITC

For millions of Americans, having a job does not translate into financial stability. Many employees earn too little to provide adequately for their families. The Earned Income Tax Credit is a critically important lifeline.

Ourwork initiatives policyreform raceforresults

Helping All Kids Reach Their Full Potential

In its Race for Results policy report, Casey calls for improved data, a better use of evidence-based programs and economic inclusion strategies to connect children to opportunities for healthy development.

Ourwork initiatives policyreform sparc

Strengthening State Child Welfare Advocates

Sponsored by First Focus, the State Policy Advocacy and Reform Center is a go-to resource for state child welfare policy, improving the capacity of individual state advocacy organizations and the larger field.