Congress Renews and Increases Title IV-B Child Welfare Funds

Congress has reauthorized and expanded Title IV‑B of the Social Security Act, increasing child welfare funding by $75 million annually starting Oct. 2025. The bipartisan overhaul combined proposals from 16 child welfare bills, resulting in the Supporting America’s Children and Families Act. Signed into law on Jan. 4, 2025, the critical legislation aims to make child welfare systems more responsive to the needs of children and families.
Title IV‑B provides flexible funding for states and tribes to prevent children from entering foster care, support caregivers and strengthen family connections. Lawmakers incorporated feedback from over 200 child welfare organizations and leaders, reauthorizing the law through 2029 with key updates.
What’s New to Title IV‑B?
Youth Voices
Young people in foster care will now have a recognized role in shaping child welfare policies.
Expanded Services
Young adults up to age 26 are now eligible for Title IV‑B services like mental health support.
Basic Needs
Agencies can provide short-term financial support for families to prevent unnecessary child removal due to poverty.
Neglect, often rooted in financial hardship, accounted for 64% of foster care entries in 2023. Providing basic needs support has been shown to reduce child welfare interventions.
Additional changes in Title IV‑B include:
- enable states and tribes to offer more family support services to try to keep children out of the foster care system, such as addressing substance use and forming family resource centers, peer support and peer mentorship programs;
- develop and evaluate programs that help facilitate and sustain meaningful relationships between children in foster care and their parents who are incarcerated;
- help states address caseworker staffing issues, with funds to recruit, reduce caseloads and provide training and services that increase caseworker retention;
- support research to develop and test innovative family well-being services and interventions that could eventually become eligible for federal reimbursement; and
- establish a requirement for independent legal representation for children and parents when a family must resolve a child welfare allegation.
Strengthening Kinship Care
Title IV‑B bolsters kinship care programs and services that place children with extended family, promoting strong relationships, stability and healthy outcomes. The updated law also:
- clarifies that kinship caregivers are eligible for Title IV‑B support; and
- allocates new funding for kinship navigation programs, which connect caregivers to critical resources and services.
As of 2022, at least 40 states had kinship navigator programs, but only 28 offered them statewide, per the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Family Ties report.
A Milestone for Child Welfare
For the first time, Title IV‑B mandates that states and tribes consult with those most affected by child welfare policies — youth, parents, foster families and kinship caregivers. Public accountability measures now require states to publish their plans and report on how they incorporate these perspectives, equipping those affected by child welfare to help shape policies and practices.
“For many years, research and data have led the Foundation to recommend key policies and practices reflected in the reauthorization of Title IV‑B, including expanding the definition of youth to age 26, focusing on prevention and the importance of showcasing the needs of people with experience in child welfare,” said Sandra Gasca, vice president for Casey’s Center for Systems Innovation. “We remain committed to supporting efforts that ensure these resources are used to help children, young adults and families thrive.”