Five Recordings From Youth Justice at a Crossroads

In June 2023, the Annie E. Casey Foundation, in partnership with the Columbia University Justice Lab, hosted Youth Justice at a Crossroads. The virtual event focused on how to prioritize community safety and the well-being of young people who encounter the legal system. The agenda reflected the climate of heightened concern about gun violence, crime, youth in detention, young people’s mental health, youth justice system staffing shortages and more. Sessions offered an audience of youth justice system leaders, practitioners and service providers both pragmatic short-term solutions and building blocks for longer-term actions to sustain the momentum of youth justice reform.
Recordings of the five sessions are available below and on YouTube.
Keynote Address
- Keynote by Liz Ryan, administrator, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, U.S. Department of Justice
- Introduction by Nate Balis, director, Juvenile Justice Strategy Group, The Annie E. Casey Foundation
Addressing Short-term Challenges: Responding to the Recent Surge in Gun Violence in Ways that Help and Don’t Harm
- James “JT” Timpson, managing director, Community Violence Initiatives, Roca Impact Institute
- John Choi, county attorney, Ramsey County (St. Paul), Minnesota
- Moderated by Nate Balis
Addressing Short-term Challenges: Capacity Challenges in Both Facilities and Communities
- Tom Woods, senior associate, The Annie E. Casey Foundation
- Vinny Schiraldi, secretary, Maryland Department of Juvenile Services
Addressing Long-term Challenges: Building the Capacity of Communities, Families, and Young People to Thrive… Without the Fear of Violence
- Albino Garcia, executive director, La Plazita Institute
- Cymone Fuller, co-director, the Restorative Justice Project, Impact Justice
- Moderated by Vidhya Ananthakrishnan, co-director, Youth Justice Initiatives, Columbia Justice Lab
Addressing Long-term Challenges: Right-sizing Systems to dDeliver Effective Interventions Where, When and How They Will Do the Most Good
- Clinton Lacey, president and CEO, Credible Messenger Mentoring Movement
- Judge Katherine Lucero, director, Office of Youth and Community Restoration, California Health and Human Services Agency
- Moderated by Patrick McCarthy, senior fellow, Youth Justice Initiatives, Columbia University Justice Lab