Los Angeles Moves to Limit Number of Students Arrested The Los Angeles Unified School District will be implementing a groundbreaking agreement that will limit the number of students arrested or ticketed for misbehavior in L.A. public schools. Read More
A Message from Our President & CEO on Ferguson Casey Foundation President & CEO Patrick McCarthy shares his thoughts on recent events in Ferguson, Missouri. Read More
Supporting Expectant and Parenting Youth in Foster Care and Their Children New York City and Sacramento County to implement comprehensive policies to address the needs of expectant and parenting youth in foster care and their children. Read More
Parents as Advocates: Influencing Policymakers to Improve Public Policies for Families Any effort to improve the lives of low-income families should include those families in discussions about overcoming the challenges they face. As experts on their situation, families — more specifically, parents — should have a place at the table in crafting solutions to their problems. A new report from Community Organizing and Family Issues captures how parents play an active, hands-on role in changing public policy and systems to benefit their children, families and communities as a whole. Read More
KIDS COUNT Webinar Recording: Creating Opportunity for Families The Casey Foundation hosted a Nov. 12 webinar on our new KIDS COUNT policy report, Creating Opportunity for Families: A Two-Generation Approach. The session highlighted ways the public, nonprofit and private sectors can work together to help equip the 10 million low-income families with young children in the United States with the tools they need to move out of poverty and thrive. Read More
Nearly Half of America’s Families With Young Children Struggle to Make Ends Meet With almost half the nation’s young children growing up in low-income households, a new report from the Casey Foundation calls for a comprehensive effort to lift kids out of poverty. Read More
Casi la mitad de las familias estadounidenses con niños pequeños les cuesta llegar a fin de mes Casi la mitad de las familias del país con niños pequeños viven en hogares de bajos ingresos y carecen de las herramientas necesarias para obtener estabilidad. Un nuevo informe de la Annie E. Casey Foundation propone un esfuerzo global para sacar a los niños de la pobreza. Read More
Learn More: A Collection of Resources on Two-Generation Approaches Resources for those interested in learning more about ways to help parents and children succeed — together. Read More
Nov. 12 Webinar to Highlight New KIDS COUNT Policy Report The Casey Foundation will host a Nov. 12 webinar to discuss our new policy report, Creating Opportunity for Families: A Two-Generation Approach. This session will focus on ways the public, nonprofit and private sectors can work together to help equip the 10 million low-income families with young children in the United States with the tools they need to move out of poverty and thrive. Read More
Casey Project Awarded Support From Newman’s Own Foundation Casey-funded project awarded a grant to further develop an innovative technology system for human services. Read More