Foundation Seeks Proposals for Juvenile Justice Reform Projects Led by Young People

The Annie E. Casey Foundation is requesting proposals for projects that address youth justice reform led by youth or young adults who have been involved with the juvenile justice system. Priority areas for projects are restorative justice and practices; prevention practices that divert youth from initial contact with the juvenile justice system; expansion of community-based support for young people already engaged in the juvenile justice system; or solutions identified by youth or community members with direct experience with the justice system.
The Casey Foundation will make two to four grants with budgets from $25,000 to $50,000. This grant opportunity evolved from an initiative led by members of Casey’s Youth Advisory Council — emerging leaders in justice reform — to identify and execute a solution to an underdeveloped or overlooked area of Casey’s juvenile justice work. Alumni of the council framed the RFP and will join Casey staff to select the projects to be funded.
The selected organizations will have nonprofit 501(c)(3) status or fiscal sponsors with 501(c)(3) status. They will demonstrate the capacity and relevant expertise to carry out youth-led projects, such as authentic youth-adult partnership, as well as a clear commitment to the professional and personal development of young people. The Foundation also is seeking organizations that have shown a commitment to racial equity and inclusion and that have actively engaged young people and families with justice system experience in its work. Each of the projects funded will be led by two or more young people between the ages of 15 and 26 who have been involved with the juvenile justice system. The selected organizations’ staff may or may not also be engaged with the project.
Download the RFP on Youth- and Young Adult-Led Youth Justice Reform Projects
Interested organizations should notify the Foundation of their intent to apply no later than Wednesday, May 18, 2022. The deadline for completed proposals is Friday, May 27, 2022. The intent to apply and final proposals should be sent to David Brown, a senior associate at the Foundation.
FAQ and Information Session
The Foundation held a pre-bid conference for potential applicants on May 11, 2022.
In addition, the Foundation recently released a set of Frequently Asked Questions about this proposal process.