Watch: Funding Evidence-Based Programs in Child Welfare With the Family First Act

Posted June 29, 2018
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Young people who would benefit from the passage of Families First Act

A webi­nar spon­sored by the Annie E. Casey Foun­da­tion and the William T. Grant Foun­da­tion — now avail­able via record­ing — pro­vides an overview of avail­able fund­ing streams for imple­ment­ing and sus­tain­ing evi­dence-based pro­grams in child wel­fare, with a spe­cial empha­sis on the fed­er­al Fam­i­ly First Pre­ven­tion Ser­vices Act.

Watch the webinar

Fund­ing Evi­dence-Based Pro­grams in Child Wel­fare: Impli­ca­tions of the Fam­i­ly First Pre­ven­tion Ser­vices Act is the sec­ond install­ment in the four-part webi­nar series Lead­ing With Evi­dence: Inform­ing Prac­tice With Research. The hour­long pre­sen­ta­tion, record­ed on June 21, 2018, begins with an expla­na­tion of the Fam­i­ly First Act, recent fed­er­al leg­is­la­tion that could have an enor­mous impact on the preva­lence of fos­ter care pre­ven­tion and fam­i­ly preser­va­tion ser­vices. The law expands cov­er­age to sup­port inter­ven­tions much ear­li­er in the child wel­fare process and pri­or­i­tizes evi­dence-based programs.

Pre­vi­ous­ly, fos­ter care fund­ing was nine to 10 times greater than those for pre­ven­tion and fam­i­ly preser­va­tion ser­vices com­bined,” says pre­sen­ter Mar­garet Fly­nn-Khan, a part­ner at Main­spring Con­sult­ing. Fam­i­ly First does many things that aim to shift the bal­ance of fund­ing and incen­tives toward keep­ing chil­dren and youth with their fam­i­lies or — if they can’t stay safe­ly with their fam­i­lies — in a fam­i­ly-based placement.”

Pan­elists look at the cur­rent fund­ing land­scape for evi­dence-based child wel­fare ser­vices, high­light­ing a Casey Foun­da­tion brief fea­tur­ing eight strate­gies child wel­fare sys­tems have used to fund imple­men­ta­tion of evi­dence-based pro­grams. The webi­nar also presents a case study from North Carolina’s near­ly 15-year path to pro­gram sus­tain­abil­i­ty — includ­ing how the state has allo­cat­ed increas­ing resources over time to help­ing fam­i­lies stay together.

Mod­er­a­tor Suzanne Barnard, direc­tor of Casey’s Evi­dence-Based Prac­tice Group, was joined by the fol­low­ing experts in the child wel­fare field:

  • Mar­garet Flynn-Kahn
    Part­ner at Main­spring Con­sult­ing, an orga­ni­za­tion that works nation­al­ly with foun­da­tions, gov­ern­ment agen­cies and non­prof­its to design effec­tive invest­ments for fam­i­lies and chil­dren and think through how to finance and sus­tain services
  • Kristin O’Connor
    Sec­tion chief of pol­i­cy and pro­grams in the child wel­fare ser­vices sec­tion of the North Car­oli­na Divi­sion of Social Ser­vices, one of the state lead­ers fea­tured in the Foun­da­tion brief

Lead­ing With Evi­dence Webi­nar Series

The Lead­ing With Evi­dence webi­nar series focus­es on imple­ment­ing evi­dence-based prac­tices in child wel­fare. The series stems from Lead­ing With Evi­dence con­fer­ences in 2016 and 2017 that brought togeth­er child wel­fare lead­ers, researchers and pro­gram devel­op­ers to study and advance the use of research and evi­dence in the child wel­fare field.

Relat­ed reading:
A Fam­i­ly First Q & A: Apply for Fed­er­al Kin­ship Funds by July 20

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