Raquel Mariscal Honored with JDAI Achievement Award

Posted October 26, 2019
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Raquel Mariscal, The W. Haywood Burns Institute

Raquel Mariscal

The Annie E. Casey Foun­da­tion has named Raquel Mariscal, a senior fel­low at the W. Hay­wood Burns Insti­tute, the inau­gur­al recip­i­ent of its JDAI® Achieve­ment Award. Mariscal is a leader of juve­nile jus­tice reform nation­al­ly, known for her fierce advo­ca­cy for equi­ty and the val­ue of all young peo­ple,” said Nate Balis, direc­tor of the Foundation’s Juve­nile Jus­tice Strat­e­gy Group.

Mariscal has had a pow­er­ful pres­ence among jus­tice sys­tem lead­ers and stake­hold­ers through­out her career, even dur­ing a time that expect­ed lead­er­ship to be assertive, aggres­sive, dom­i­nant, male and white,” one of her col­leagues wrote in nom­i­nat­ing her for the award. Yet, there was Raquel, fight­ing for jus­tice, for her chil­dren and yours, know­ing that the cause was big­ger than any dis­com­fort she felt, or the dis­com­fort of oth­ers in her presence.”

Part of her lega­cy, said James Bell, founder of the W. Hay­wood Burns Insti­tute, is broad­en­ing the focus of reform beyond the black/​white par­a­digm” to include all youth of col­or and men­tor­ing emerg­ing Lati­no lead­ers in the reform movement.

Mariscal accept­ed the award before an audi­ence of 800 at the 2019 JDAI Inter-Site Con­fer­ence and urged the audi­ence to demol­ish this failed sys­tem of mass incar­cer­a­tion” and lean into JDAI as a cat­a­lyst for trans­for­ma­tive change” on behalf of equi­ty and youth well-being.

Read About the Win­ner of the Glo­ria J. Jenk­ins Award

Read About the Win­ners of the JDAI Dis­tin­guished Sys­tem Lead­er­ship Award

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