Three Casey Fellows Included in 2019 NPT Power & Influence Top 50

From left: Douglas B. Ammar, Fred Blackwell and Daniel Cardinali
The NonProfit Times selected three alumni of the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Children and Family Fellowship for its 2019 Power & Influence Top 50, which honors “initiators and leaders.” The three — Douglas B. Ammar, executive director of the Georgia Justice Project; Fred Blackwell, chief executive officer of the San Francisco Foundation; and Daniel Cardinali, president and CEO of Independent Sector — have achieved lasting improvements in child, family and community well-being.
Ammar, Blackwell and Cardinali joined the Fellowship — the Casey Foundation’s signature program to develop strong, results-driven leaders with the vision, skills and ability to champion and drive measurable change — in 2007. They are now part of a national network of 125 highly accomplished alumni Fellows.
“The program attracts individuals who lead with passion, inspire others to action and persevere, often against great odds,” says Barbara Squires, the director of Leadership Development at the Foundation who worked with the three recognized leaders during the Fellowship.
Blackwell and Cardinali lead two of the organizations selected by Casey earlier this year to work with the Foundation for three years to expand a results orientation throughout the social sector. The San Francisco Foundation and Independent Sector, respectively, are on the path to becoming hubs for Results Count™, Casey’s approach to accelerate measurable and equitable improvements in well-being for children and families in communities across the country.
Included among the 2019 NPT honorees is Casey Foundation President and CEO Lisa Hamilton.