Atlanta Civic Site

Building public, private and community partnerships to improve education, job opportunities, health and neighborhoods for Atlanta youth and families in low-income communities.

As home to UPS and our board of trustees, Atlanta is a place where we have a spe­cial inter­est in improv­ing the well-being of kids and fam­i­lies. Since 2001, we’ve been com­mit­ted to trans­form­ing a set of high-pover­ty city neigh­bor­hoods and help­ing low-income fam­i­lies over­come a num­ber of challenges.

From the Blog

A diverse group of men and women gather outside of a brick building. They are wearing surgical masks and their black t-shirts feature the logo for the Policing Alternatives and Diversion (PAD) Initiative.

Offering an Alternative to Police Arrests in Atlanta

A Casey-funded initiative in Atlanta diverts people away from police encounters by connecting them with resources. Learn more.

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Supporting Kids and Parents in the Atlanta Civic Site

Video: Helping Kids and Parents Thrive

While building a solid foundation for children to succeed, we connect their parents to the programs and services they need to become financially stable and build careers.


Fighting for Georgia's Young Readers

Winning the War for Reading Proficiency describes the Georgia Campaign for Grade-Level Reading's efforts to significantly increase the percentage of state children reading at or above grade level by the end of third grade by 2015.

Video: The Healthy Beginnings System of Care

The Dunbar Learning Complex provides programs and services to keep children on track developmentally. The Healthy Beginnings program helps connect kids and families to health services and resources.