Family Well-Being Strategy Group

Providing strategic consulting and technical assistance to child welfare agencies to keep children safe, strengthen the connections between children and their families and improve children’s long-term success.

More than 600,000 chil­dren each year expe­ri­ence abuse and neglect. The Child Wel­fare Strat­e­gy Group (CWSG) pro­vides inten­sive con­sult­ing to child wel­fare agen­cies to ensure that they pro­vide effec­tive assis­tance to strug­gling chil­dren and fam­i­lies. We know that:

  • Chil­dren need fam­i­lies and oppor­tu­ni­ties to devel­op skills and relationships.
  • Chil­dren need par­ents and com­mu­ni­ties that help them grow and succeed.
  • Chil­dren need sup­port from results-focused child wel­fare agencies.

From the Blog

A young Black boy hugs an older Black woman, who is likely his grandmother. Both smile into the camera.

Survey Data Offer Insights Into Engaging and Supporting Kinship Caregivers

Empowering kinship caregivers through family engagement strategies leads to more stability for children and families. Learn more.

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CWSG: Advancing the Field

Ourwork initiatives cwsgimpact placementdecisions

video: applying research to placement practices

Joan Kaufman, Ph.D., of Yale University School of Medicine, on applying research on child development to child welfare placement practices

Ourwork initiatives cwsgimpact whatworksbest

presentation: what's best for kids

The Foundation's Tracey Feild says that what's best for kids — living with families — is also good for state budgets. Download her presentation to the National Governors Association.

Ourwork initiatives cwsgimpact whenchildwelfareworks

recommendations to make child welfare work

When Child Welfare Works outlines a policy framework and recommendations to align federal child welfare financing with best practices.